There are many valuable metals in electronic waste. To get them out, you need specialized machinery. And we make them. For example, we have an overband magnet especially for electronic waste that separates particles from 25 mm in size from the coarse fraction. Also specific to this market 0f recycling WEEE is our top roller magnet that removes stainless steel from the product stream, so that a clean non-ferrous fraction can be created on your fines. Very special is our newest Eddy Current separator: the ECS 104X. This machine has the highest frequency in the market and shoots fines of 0-4 mm from the product stream. Do you want the highest yield from electronic waste? We are happy to visit you.
Recycling WEEE
Separating fines
from 0-4 mm
50 years of experience
Sustainability comes first
We love magnetics and we love to innovate in recycling WEEE. But to be of substantial and sustainable added value to our customers we need more. That’s why we are flexible, fast, smart and always focused on quality and on our customers’ needs.